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Otto Friedrich University Bamberg

Bamberg is a small but busy university town with an historical spirit and a distinctive cultural life. The students never have far to go in this picturesque town and the atmosphere is very familiar. In the Old Town the student scene has led to the appearance of bookshops, restaurants, bistros and cafés.

The Otto Friedrich University is the most recent and yet one of the oldest universities in Bavaria. The prince-bishop of Bamberg Melchior Otto Voit von Salzburg extended the former Jesuit college to include faculties of philosophy and theology, thus creating the Academia Ottoniana. Prince-bíshop Friedrich Karl von Schönborn expanded the Academia into a fully-fledged university by adding a faculty of law. In 1773 it was baptised Universitas Ottoniana Fridericiana. The "House of Wisdom" has been able to call itself a university again since 1972. And in 1988 it was named Otto-Friedrich University to commemorate its two main patrons.

(text adapted from the university website)


