
"kunstwerk10“ (Work of art 10)

Ten iron columns, each four metres high, encased in Cor-Ten steel, placed at various locations in Bamberg – that is the "kunstwerk10" project. With the art installations created by Bamberg artist Bernd Wagenhäuser, the "kunstwerk10" association aims to commemorate the once flourishing Jewish life in Bamberg and make it visible again

The historic cast iron columns originate from the sewing silk factory Kupfer, Heßlein & Co. and served as free-standing columns in the factory halls. They are the soul of the artworks. Artist Bernd Wagenhäuser encased them in Cor-Ten steel to give the columns support. 
So far, columns have been installed at two locations. More will follow:

  1.  „Quartier an den Stadtmauern“
    A three-part art installation is located in the „Quartier an den Stadtmauern“, near the former town walls, on the site of the second residential area of Jewish Citizens in the 15th century. They had previously been forcibly expelled from their first residential area. The main installation consists of two art objects and refers to the second Jewish courtyard, which is documented to have been located in the area of the „Quartier an den Stadtmauern“ since 1422. A complementary work of art was placed in front of the entrance to the Mikveh Documentation Centre.

  2. „Theatergassen“
    Another cast-iron column, encased in Cor-Ten steel, has been erected in the „Theatergassen“. This location is of great significance in the Jewish history of Bamberg. Jewish families had lived in this residential area since the middle of the 16th century. The restaurant and brewery called "Weiße Taube" (White Dove) was located here, serving as a community centre for the Jewish religious community from 1936 onwards. In 1941 and 1942, the deportations of Jewish citizens to concentration and extermination camps took place from the "Weiße Taube".
