Trail of modern sculptures
The International Artists' House Villa Concordia has been in Bamberg since 1997. Just one year later, the first exhibition took place as part of the "Modern Sculptures in Bamberg" series. This cycle started with works by Columbian sculptor Fernando Botero, and was followed by exhibitions of further well-known artists like Lüpertz, Wortelkamp or Avramidis. Of each exhibition Bamberg managed to buy one of the sculptures in the aftermath, thus creating the core of the trail of modern sculptures.
"Anchor figure 2002" by Bernhard Luginbühl
The sculpture by Swiss artist Bernhard Luginbühl deals with civilisation and the environment and is made of disused objects. After an exhibition in 2004, the sculpture was acquired by the Friends of the International Artists' House Villa Concordia e.V. with the support of the ...
"Centurione I" by Igor Mitoraj
Bronze statue by Polish born sculptor Igor Mitoraj who works in Paris and Pietrasanta (Italy). The artist's heads, torsos and figures are reminiscent of the classical beauty of antiquity, but break away from it with intentional damage to each work of art. The sculpture was acquired by the ...
"Lady with fruit" by Fernando Botero
Bronze sculpture created by the Columbian artist Fernando Botero. In 1998, it was bought by the town of Bamberg and was the first statue on the sculpture trail.
"Large sculpture 1982" von Joannis Avramidis
Abstract bronze sculpture by the Greek-born artist Joannis Avramidis. After an exhibition, the sculpture was acquired by the Friends of the International Artists' House Villa Concordia e.V. with the support of the Oberfrankenstiftung and private donors.
"Pillar" by Micha Ullmann
Kaiser Heinrich II., who founded Bamberg in the year 1007, firmly believed, that his Rome of the North, his capital to be, marked the centre of his empire, the hub of the world. Up until the 18th century the Bamberg people designated this spot with a pillar – the Tattermannsäule -, which ...
"Wandlung (transubstantiation)" by Kazuo Katase
This work of art was introduced and erected on the occasion of the millennium celebration of the Bishopric of Bamberg in the year 2007. It was a project of the Villa Concordia, the international artists’ house in Bamberg. Placed on the slopes of St. Michael’s Mount, it is a dry fountain made ...
"kunstwerk10“ (Work of art 10)
Ten iron columns, each four metres high, encased in Cor-Ten steel, placed at various locations in Bamberg – that is the "kunstwerk10" project. With the art installations created by Bamberg artist Bernd Wagenhäuser, the "kunstwerk10" association aims to commemorate the once flourishing Jewish ...
Art and Contemplation Path
Length 3.3 km
Gegenständliche bis absolute Kunst erleben Wanderer bei einem Spaziergang über den Kunst- und Besinnungsweg. Der freischaffende Litzendorfer Künstler Robert Hoffmann hat hier inmitten freier Natur 18 Objekte zu den Themen Menschlichkeit, Kreativität und Natur aufgebaut. Der Weg soll so ...Art and Nature Intertwined
Length 4 km
Kommunikation, Pisa Gothika oder der Sieger – rund um Lohndorf muss man nicht ins Museum gehen, um diese Skulpturen bewundern zu können. Die Kunst in die Öffentlichkeit zu holen, das ist der Grundgedanke hinter der Fränkischen Straße der Skulpturen mit Werken von gegenständlicher bis ...Auenweg Obermain
Length 90 km
Zwölf Sandsteinskulpturen stehen am Main und seinen Nebenflüssen unmittelbar an den Radwegen, um auf die Bedeutung lebendiger Flüsse für Mensch und Natur aufmerksam zu machen. Sie bilden zusammen mit besonderen Naturerlebnisorten den etwa 40 Kilometer langen „Auenweg Obermain“. ...Bamberg’s Art Association
Bamberg’s Art Association was founded on December 12th, 1823 and is therefore one of Germany’s oldest institutions of this kind. Its main goal is to promote and present contemporary art. Exhibitions of paintings, graphic art, sculptures, photography, installations and performances make up ...
Memorial for Resistance and Civil Courage
Situated centrally in town between the E.T.A.-Hoffmann Square and the Gardens of Harmony This memorial commemorates three outstanding personalities of the German resistance movement and local personalities involved in resistance to the Nazi Regime: Willy Aron, Hans Wölfel and Claus Schenk Graf ...