
Stained-glass windows by Markus Lüpertz in St. Elisabeth

8 stained-glass windows depict scenes from the life and times of Holy Elisabeth in combination with the seven works of mercy.


April till October
10:00AM till 6:00PM

November till March
11:00AM till 3:00PM

The famous German contemporary artist Markus Lüpertz designed eight stained-glass windows for the small parish church of St. Elisabeth in Bamberg's Sand district. Within the next years the church will be fitted with these windows created and handcrafted in the traditional style by Markus Lüpertz. They show scenes from the life and times of Holy Elisabeth, the patron saint of the church, and also pick up on the seven works of mercy. The last window will show a motive referring to the bible verse "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

More information on the windows and the project generating the funding for the windows can be found at
