
The chapel of St. Pankratius on Guegel hill

Two historical buildings are important visitor attractions near the city of Schesslitz: Giechburg castle and the chapel of St. Pankratius on Guegel hill.


Visits without guided tours are possible throughout the year. For further information please contact 0049-9542-424 (Giechburg castle) or 0049-9542-1221 (chapel of St. Pankratius on Guegel hill)

Driving by car from Bamberg to Bayreuth you will notice two historical buildings near the city of Schesslitz: Giechburg castle and the chapel on Guegel hill. You will find the chapel of St. Pankratius not far away from Giechburg castle. Albrecht von Wertheim turned the ancient castle into a chapel during the 14th century. The chapel of St. Pankratius on Guegel hill is a perfect location for weddings, pilgrimages and family events.


Free of charge
