
The World Heritage Visitor Centre

Located in the heart of the city, Bamberg's World Heritage Visitor Centre displays Bamberg's outstanding universal value and serves as an interpretation aid for the World Heritage site.
Embedded in the international UNESCO context the special features of the World Heritage site “Town of Bamberg” are conveyed on about 220 square meters of exhibition space.


April till 2. November
10:00AM till 6:00PM

4. November till March
10:00AM till 5:00PM

Karfreitag, Heiligabend, Erster Weihnachtstag, Zweiter Weihnachtstag, Silvester and Neujahr

Closing days: December 27t. + 30th, and inventory days (beginning of January)

The exhibition consists – like the old town of Bamberg – of three parts; one for each historic settlement centre. In a lively way, the exhibition provides information about the City on the Hills with its Domburg (former fortress of the Babenberg dukes), the Island District with its mills and private mansions and the Market Gardeners‘ District with its urban horticulture.

Building models illustrate medieval and baroque architecture. Audio stations, films and digital applications, a seed-wheel and an interactive model of the old town of Bamberg invite visitors to familiarize themselves with the site. Special places in the urban surroundings, which represent the outstanding universal value of Bamberg, are referred to in the exhibition to encourage further explorations of the site.

Accessibility information

  • Rollstuhlgerecht
Die Ausstellung folgt dem „Design for All“-Ansatz. Entsprechend der Grundwerte der UNESCO und der Stadt Bamberg ist das Welterbe-Besuchszentrum ein Ort des respektvollen, diskriminierungsfreien Miteinanders. Die Ausstellung ist barrierefrei.


The admission is free.
Guided tours through the exhibition can be booked at
