The Island City
The Island City is the old "bourgeois" merchant city and is now Bamberg's centre. In the pedestrian zone and beyond, we find what has become a rare retail landscape which is characterised by small, privately run stores in historical buildings, beautiful shops for browsing and, of course, an extensive selection of large chain stores and trend labels. The restaurants cover everything from student-style eateries to traditional, wood panelled inns, from traditional Franconian cooking to haute cuisine. The daily market offers regional products from the local market gardens in and around Bamberg. As a university town the Island City is home to several important educational institutions such as the Faculties of Humanities belonging to the Otto-Friedrich University and several schools. Student life is also a major part of the Island City, and is concentrated, above all, in Austraße, which is lined with cafés and shops with a diversity of products. The Island city is still full of residents who love life in the city centre.
Guided toursSensationelles 3-Tages-Ticket!
BAMBERGcard - Your 3-day discovery ticket
Perfect for your city tour! Your online BAMBERGcard is a travel ticket, voucher and admission ticket in one. With the BAMBERGcard you can explore Bamberg at an unbeatable price: This 3-day ticket includes admission to several museums and collections as well as free travel on the buses and ...
Guided toursJederzeit!
Stadtrallye - Spurensuche im Weltkulturerbe
Gehen Sie auf eigene Faust los und entdecken Sie anhand spannender Fragen die historischen Siedlungsgebiete Bambergs: Berg-, Insel- und Gärtnerstadt! Bamberg ist ein Gesamtkunstwerk aus Mittelalter und Barock und die Altstadt wurde 1993 zum UNSECO Weltkulturerbe ernannt. Doch die drei Areale ...
Guided toursVon April bis Dezember, täglich 10:30 Uhr!
Fascination - World Cultural Heritage
We invite you to discover Bamberg's style and character, significant monuments, works of art and charming details. Accomplished guides will enlighten you during the 2-hour "Fascination - World Cultural Heritage" tour. You will feel the magic of this World Heritage City! You will be amazed at how ...
Guided toursTäglich 14 Uhr!
Fascination - World Cultural Heritage
We invite you to discover Bamberg's style and character, significant monuments, works of art and charming details. Accomplished guides will enlighten you during the 2-hour "Fascination - World Cultural Heritage" tour. You will feel the magic of this World Heritage City! You will be amazed at how ...
Guided toursJederzeit!
Let your kids get to know Bamberg in their own way. They can discover the World Heritage city on our specially devised paper chase. Each child is given a booklet containing questions and tasks on various spots around the Old Town. Whoever gets the most points is the winner. The English version ...