
Wildlife park - Schloß Tambach

The WildPark Schloss Tambach is a combination of an animal park, falconry, castle and landscape park as well as a forest adventure trail with a wildcat trail. At 50 hectares, the park is spacious. The castle and WildPark have been privately owned by the Count of Ortenburg for over 200 years


2. March till November
8:00AM till 6:00PM

13. November till March
10:00AM till 5:00PM

Visitors experience European wild animal species from wolves, lynxes, elks, bison, various species of birds of prey to pond turtles, embedded in the English castle and landscape park with shady old trees, ponds and various viewing axes of the baroque castle. Depending on the season, you can expect a wide variety of flower flora, starting with the large daffodil blossoms of over 120,000. A new mushroom station is available.


  • In the main season there are feeding shows and bird of prey flight demonstrations, as well as special tours.
  • Special events and special programs for Easter, Walpurgi Day (May 1st, 2025), Summer Festival (July 6th, 2025), WildParkFest (October 3rd, 2025), Halloween (October 26th, 2025) and much more.
  • Visit us at You can find all dates and further information here.
