
Culinary specialities

The Bamberg region is characterised by an immense culinary diversity, with everything from fresh vegetables and fish to full-bodied beer and fine pastries.

Among beer lovers, Bamberg is best known for its aromatic "smoked beer of traditional production", which is brewed by two of the town's breweries. Top chefs and epicures prefer Franconian asparagus and Bamberger Hörnla, a rare but all the more delicious potato variety. Anyone walking through the town, admiring the many temptations offered by the bakeries, will perhaps also notice the other kind of Bamberg Hörnla - a croissant-like butter pastry.

Did you know that the cultivation of wine in Bamberg started already in the 12th century and that this wine tradition is still celebrated today? And that the Bamberg region is not only known for the Franconian bratwurst, but also for its fish?

The shortest way to enjoy

Bamberg's gardeners' district is an important part of the UNESCO World Heritage Bamberg. In the middle of the city, herbs, fruits and vegetables grow on large cultivated areas. This is unique! And therefore unique is the extremely short way of fresh ingredients to the farm shops, the market and the cooking pots of restaurateurs.


Entdecke die Genusslandschaft Bamberg

Wer die regionale kulinarische Vielfalt in Bamberg und dem Bamberger Land erleben möchte, dem hilft Genussla – die Genusslandschaft Bamberg

Hier findet man über 120 Anbieter aus der Region Bamberg, die hochwertige Produkte herstellen und vertreiben. Ob saisonales Gemüse aus dem Hofladen, nachhaltige Fleischprodukte vom Metzger, leckere Marmeladen, Aufstriche oder Liköre.

Regional, hochwertig, nachhaltig.

Und regionale Rezepte zum Nachkochen, aktuelle Events und spannende Touren in und um Bamberg gibt’s dort ebenfalls zu entdecken!
