Erlebnisangebote, Führungen, Kultur

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Exterior view of the cathedral with the 'Gnadenpforte' (portal of grace)

St. Peter's and St. George's Imperial Cathedral is one of Emperor Heinrich II's legacies. It contains numerous impressive sights.

Emperor Heinrich II. had the Cathedral constructed in Bamberg as early as 1002 and it was completed in 1012 after a building period of just ten years. However, this house of worship fell victim to fire, as did its successor. The third construction which contains stylistic elements of the late romanesque and early gothic periods has survived to the present day. The highlights include the tomb of the holy imperial couple Kunigunde and Heinrich II., created by Tilmann Riemenschneider, the "Bamberg Horseman" who is shrouded in mystery, the altar by Veit Stoß and the papal tomb of Clemens II.

Please note:
The 'DoMus visitor service' provides information on planning a visit to the Bamberg Cathedral and the diocese museum for individual visitors, travel groups, church groups and school classes. Public tours for individual guests take place on a daily basis.
All groups in the Bamberg Cathedral require a registration in advance and may only be led by authorized or registered cathedral guides. Private individuals, groups or travel companies must therefore book a group tour of the Bamberg Cathedral via the DoMus visitor service. The group size is limited to a maximum of 20 people per guide.

Accessibility information

  • Bedingt rollstuhlgerecht
Der barrierefreie Eingang für Rollstuhlfahrer und Kinderwägen befindet sich auf der Rückseite/Westseite der Kathedrale. Der Zugang erfolgt über die Domstraße, vorbei am Dompfarrheim durch das linke Eingangstor in den sogenannten Mesnerhof. Ab der Domstraße ist der Weg durch eine neue Gestaltung mittels flacher Pflastersteine leichter und gut erkennbar. An der Choraußenwand finden Sie einen Behindertenparkplatz (Parkdauer für 3 Stunden). Im Mesnerhof befindet sich die öffentliche Behindertentoilette.

Opening hours

April till October
Monday till Wednesday: 9:00AM till 6:00PM
Thursday and Friday: 9:30AM till 6:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM till 4:30PM
Sunday, on public holidays: 1:00PM till 6:00PM

November till March
Monday till Wednesday: 9:00AM till 5:00PM
Thursday and Friday: 9:30AM till 5:00PM
Saturday: 9:00AM till 4:30PM
Sunday, on public holidays: 1:00PM till 5:00PM

During the organ concerts the Cathedral is closed for sightseeing every Saturday from May to October from 11.30 am to 1 pm. Open for concert visitors only.
The Cathedral is always closed for sightseeing during mass and other church celebrations and events.
On the "Quiet Days" it is not allowed to have tours or give explanations. Silence is requested from all visitors: Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Perpetual Adoration (29 - 30 June), All Hallows (1 Nov), All Saints (2 Nov)
If in doubt, please check the official website


