

The Geburtshaus Levi Strauss Museum Jeans & Kult informs you about Levi Strauss, his life, and his famous product, the Levi's Jeans.


March till October
Tuesday, Thursday: 2:00PM till 6:00PM
Saturday and Sunday, on public holidays: 11:00AM till 5:00PM

November till February
Tuesday, Thursday: 2:00PM till 5:00PM
Saturday and Sunday: 11:00AM till 5:00PM

closed on: 12. - 25.12. and 31.12./01.01.

The Levi Strauss Museum Jeans & Kult is located in the small half timbered house in Buttenheim where Levi Strauss was born. Modern and interactive presentations will inform you about the person Levi Strauss and his product - the Levis on 136 sq. m. exhibition space. An audio guide takes you through the house and tells the stories on Levi Strauss and his invention.


5 € for adults, 2,50 € for pupils, students and disabled persons, 4 € per person for groups (min. 20 persons). We kindly ask groups to book in advance as space is rather limited inside the museum.
