birth place of Levi Strauss, Inventor of jeans
An internationally acclaimed museum in Levi Strauss’ birth house is dedicated to his life and his most famous invention, the Levi’s Jeans. Beer lovers will like Buttenheim thanks to its four breweries and several beer gardens.
sights: parish church St. Bartholomäus Buttenheim, chapel
activities: climbing in the climbing park Frankendorf, many bicycle trails
Aischtal Valley Cycling Tour
Length 121 km
Auf 117 Kilometern schlängelt sich der Aischtal-Radweg vom mittelalterlichen Rothenburg o. d. Tauber ins nicht minder geschichtsträchtige Bamberg und kreuzt dabei verschiedene fränkische Landschaften. Geprägt ist die Tour von den weiten, wiesenreichen Talauen der Aisch, die sich stets ...Brauereigasthof Löwenbräu
Johann “Hansi” Modschiedler, brewer, restaurateur and district councillor, is a real Franconian character in the Bamberg region. The cuisine is well known far beyond the local area so it is always best to book in advance. This is because of the tasty beer and the delicious menu that includes ...
Brewery and Beer Cellar Tour
Length 202 km
Die Brauerei und Bierkeller Tour verbindet genussvolles Radfahren mit der besonderen Biervielfalt und Biertradition in Oberfranken. Speziell das Bamberger Land ist mit rund 70 kleinen Privatbrauereien die Region mit der höchsten Privatbrauereidichte weltweit. Hier lässt sich noch ...Felsenkeller Senftenberg
Well into the 19th century, this ascent was the final destination of the St. George pilgrimages. In the 1950s, the St. George’s horseback and carriage procession was resurrected and takes place every year at the end of April. Afterwards the pilgrims flock to the imposing beer cellar. The bread ...
In Search of Levi's Jeans
Length 15.2 km, Approximate time 4 hours
Jeder kennt sie, jeder trägt sie – die Jeans. Durch den Franken Löb Strauss erlangte sie Weltruhm und wurde zum Kultobjekt. Levi, wie er sich später nannte, wurde in Buttenheim geboren. Er wanderte nach Amerika aus, wo er aus festem Denim-Stoff Hosen für Arbeiter herstellte. In seinem ...Levi-Strauss-Museum
The Geburtshaus Levi Strauss Museum Jeans & Kult informs you about Levi Strauss, his life, and his famous product, the Levi's Jeans. The Levi Strauss Museum Jeans & Kult is located in the small half timbered house in Buttenheim where Levi Strauss was born. Modern and interactive presentations ...
The cellar offers a large selection of hot meals and specialities such as the cellar platter, Schäuferla (tender pork shoulder), Sauerbraten (marinated pot roast), game, beans with dried meat (Thurs), a variety of salads and, of course, home-brewed beer. There are many reasons to visit this ...
Meusel-Bräu Ottmar Meusel e.K.
Otto, Ottmar and Maximilian Meusel represent three generations of a family actively involved in upholding the brewing tradition. Their beer is appreciated and sold far beyond local boundaries, not least because the inn is actually closed – though not quite: Every Sunday after church, the ...
Regnitz River Bicycle Trail
Length 158 km
Der Regnitz-Radweg verläuft von Nürnberg aus in nördliche Richtung bis nach Bischberg bei Bamberg durch das herrliche Regnitztal auf zwei alternativen Routen, der Tal- und der Kanalroute. Während die Talroute durch die regionaltypischen fränkischen Dörfer und Kleinstädte mit prächtigen ...Senftenberg Chapel
St. George Chapel on Senftenberg hill near Gunzendorf The chapel lies in the middle of a wonderful landscape and offers a great view of the surrounding area. Also worth visiting is the way of the cross leading up Senftenberg hill from the south. There is a famous pilgrimage on horseback ...
St. Georgen-Bräu Keller
The view that the St. GeorgenBräu beer cellar commands over Bamberg at sunset is really quite unique. Guests can indulge in light meals and hot dishes, including Schäuferla (tender pork shoulder), Haxen (knuckle), home-baked pretzels, beans and dried meat, home-baked cakes, farmer’s bread ...
St. Georgenbräu Bräustübla
Having taken over and restored this inn, Norbert Kramer has transformed the “Öber” into a respectable brewery inn. The Head chef serves traditional Franconian cuisine with a twist. The cellar beer schnapps is the perfect end to every meal.