1000th anniversary of the death of Emperor Henry II
Imperial anniversary: light and shadow on Cathedral hill
In 2024 Bamberg commits the 1000th anniversary of the death of Emperor Henry II, whose influence can still be felt in Bamberg today: he founded the bishopric and the Cathedral and endowed the city with many great art treasures, monasteries and churches. The anniversary offers an abundance of opportunities to experience the vestiges of the past that can be traced back to Henry and his time.
The focus of the anniversary will be on the Domberg - Cathedral Hill - with numerous exhibitions and events in the museums around Bamberg’s Cathedral. In addition, there will be a series of cultural offers and events in Bamberg in 2024 from all genres on this theme.
In addition, the daily city tour "World Heritage Fascination" is a great way to learn more about Henry and his legacy in Bamberg.
Capella Antiqua Bambergensis in Wernsdorf Palace
The former prince-bishop's hunting palace in Wernsdorf forms the perfect backdrop for the concerts staged by Capella Antiqua At the gateway to Bamberg, Wernsdorf Palace is situated in the village of the same name on the edge of Franconian Switzerland. The former prince bishop's hunting palace ...
St. Peter's and St. George's Imperial Cathedral is one of Emperor Heinrich II's legacies. It contains numerous impressive sights. Emperor Heinrich II. had the Cathedral constructed in Bamberg as early as 1002 and it was completed in 1012 after a building period of just ten years. However, this ...
City on the hills
Narrow lanes, baroque and romantic facades, mediaeval flair and the magic of the centuries make Bamberg what it is today. The seven hills Bamberg's nicknames - the "Seven Hill City" or "Franconian Rome" - refer to the part of the city situated on the hills. Cathedral Hill was the spiritual and ...
Diocesan Museum
Emperor Heinrich II and his consort Kunigunde embellished the diocese they founded with valuable liturgical items, relics, paraments and books. In the course of the centuries, these treasures were extended by donations, but were also decimated several times. Many works of art were lost to ...
Museum of History
Right next to the famous Bamberg Cathedral ... ... the Historical Museum in the Old Court shows the valuable collections of the world heritage city. Art-historically significant paintings invite you to the section “100 Masterpieces │ From Lucas Cranach to Pieter Breughel to Otto ...
Museums on Cathedral Hill
Five institutions of international acclaim are based on Cathedral Hill - already a sight in itself - all within walking distance of each other. They harbour an abundance of treasures and exhibits you shouldn't miss. Bamberg’s Diocesan Museum emerged from Bamberg’s Cathedral Treasury. Its ...
State Library Bamberg
This cultural and humanities research library is steeped in tradition. It is charged with the task of supplying the city and region with literature and looking after outstanding literary treasures. Its international standing is documented by the fact that three Reichenau manuscripts dating from ...
The World Heritage Visitor Centre
Located in the heart of the city, Bamberg's World Heritage Visitor Centre displays Bamberg's outstanding universal value and serves as an interpretation aid for the World Heritage site. Embedded in the international UNESCO context the special features of the World Heritage site “Town of ...
Tourist Information
We offer souvenirs, tickets, tips for excursions and accommodation service. We are happy to help you! Tourist Information is wheelchair accessible. There is an accessible toilet in the northern wing of the building with a separate entrance, which is open on a daily basis from 8 am to 8 pm, at ...
Von April bis Dezember, täglich 10:30 Uhr!
Fascination - World Cultural Heritage
We invite you to discover Bamberg's style and character, significant monuments, works of art and charming details. Accomplished guides will enlighten you during the 2-hour "Fascination - World Cultural Heritage" tour. You will feel the magic of this World Heritage City! You will be amazed at how ...
Täglich 14 Uhr!
Fascination - World Cultural Heritage
We invite you to discover Bamberg's style and character, significant monuments, works of art and charming details. Accomplished guides will enlighten you during the 2-hour "Fascination - World Cultural Heritage" tour. You will feel the magic of this World Heritage City! You will be amazed at how ...
September 21st, 2024
1000. Todesjahr Kaiser Heinrichs II. - Veranstaltungstag in Neuer Residenz und Alter Hofhaltung
Neben vielen Haus- und Sonderführungen wird es als herausragendes Ereignis um 15:00 Uhr ein Konzert des Bamberger Domchores im Kaisersaal geben. Am frühen Abend um 18:00 Uhr und um 19:00 Uhr werden zwei Sonderaufführungen des Theaters der Schatten in der Katharinenkapelle das Bamberg des ...
Das Highlight, noch bis Ende Oktober
Theater: "Licht und Schatten" - eine Reise in Schattenszenen durch die Geschichte der Weltkulturerbestadt
Die 1000-jährige Geschichte Bambergs in 90 Minuten: unterhaltsam, spannend und mit faszinierenden Bildern in Szene gesetzt. Gänsehaut, Humor und Begeisterung – alles dabei! Die Chronik der Weltkulturerbestadt ist wie ein Tagebuch des vergangenen Jahrtausends. Der Erzähler beleuchtet diese ...